Poem from a client
First meeting
All is not well
I don’t like being told what
I should tell
Do this
Do that
Feeling like such a Pratt
I will walk out that door and shall not come back
O.K. I’ll give it another try
She can’t be so bad and
If so I’ll cry
Next week arrives and
I come out in hives
Must be allergic to this person I know
But I really must go
In I walk beginning to talk
Still unsure but wanting to know more
Like is there a cure?
The answer is no,
I must go on so
Stitch this patch together and
Always remember never say never
Things improve and so do I
I’m now starting to wonder
Could it be?
She was sent for me
Am I special?
I’m not sure I see
This couldn’t be me
Feeling quite mad with myself
But also feeling definitely very
It’s not so bad
Looking forward to the following week
When I get my chance again
To call out
And speak.